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Are You Laughing Yet?

Are You Laughing Yet?

April is National Humor Month and is a reminder of the great benefits of humor and laughter.

If you take a few moments to think about the humor in your life, I am sure that your mind will recall a family member or close friend who even as a child came to the rescue to defuse a heated situation with his or her humor.  Your family member or friend recognized the value of using his or her humor  to  help others see a serious life situation in a much lighter sense and to move from a heated situation to a moment of hope through a life lesson just learned.

The unexpected positive emotions triggered by humor (surprised, excited, relief) will create memories that will remind you how to overcome a heated situation in the future.  The humor used created a bond in the heated situation and will not be forgotten.

The mental and physical health benefits of humor are equally as important.  Humor plays an important part in both your personal and business areas.

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