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marcia3You often hear, April showers bring May flowers. What does that really mean?

Another way of relating that to your life is my question “Can you see beyond what is in front of you?’ Can you see the big picture? April showers (what happens today) produces seeds and hope for your future (May flowers).

Each day you have a new experience or shower that can be a deposit or withdrawal to your emotional bank account. Your ability to recognize that the knowledge learned today is not left in that moment, but lives on to position you for beyond what you see in front of you “, will lead you to a positive future.

You may wonder, “how do I make a deposit versus a withdrawal from my emotional account?”

First, it is important to ask yourself, “What just happened right here right now and did I learn something from this moment?” Next, whether the situation is pleasant or unpleasant is not the main point. The main point is your ability to maintain your focus to see beyond what is in front of you (the big picture) in order to learn and to gain wisdom.

Your awareness that something bigger than you is present will allow you to remain calm making an emotional deposit (stepping stone) versus a withdrawal (mental set back) into your emotional account.

Let me remind you that too many withdrawals will leave you with nothing to live on, nothing to bounce back with, and nothing to emotionally survive!

Your stepping stone (that deposit) will empower you to control the situation at hand with a positive mental attitude that can be encouraging or non-threatening to the other person. Remember it takes two to tangle mentally or physically.


I encourage you this month to see beyond what is in front of you as you live and go through each life experience.


Keep in mind, your April showers (today’s experiences) will bring you May flowers (your benefits of love, confidence, opportunities, and more) as you add value to yourself and others.


Have a great month of change!

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