Do You Have What it Takes to Jumpstart Your Brain for Business and Personal Success? Receive your Free Jumpstart Audio Demo Today!


marcia3How many hours of sleep do you need to feel refreshed?

How many active hours can you count in your day?

How high is your emotional intelligence (response to others) during your 8-10 hour day?

Believe it or not, the amount of sleep you get plays an important part in  your emotional, mental, and physical energies.

Studies show that adults age 18-64 need 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep per night.  However, the National Sleep Foundation (2011) shows that about 2/3 (63 percent) of these adults say their needs are not being met during the week.  They also continued that they get less than 6 hours per night on the week-ends.

Why sleep?  A lack of sleep results in adverse effects on your emotional and physical health as well as learning and memory problems (Mehta ,et al, 2012).

Did you know it has been proven that you cannot short change your brain of sleep and still learn effectively?  (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 2005).  In other words, if you are not getting 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep each night, you are likely sabotaging your own learning.

In addition, staying up extended hours with the aid of coffee or energy drinks will overwork your brain and physical body parts resulting in impatience, fatigue, and lack of focus.

I would like to share that your learning is a result of three stages of memory:  (1) decoding, (2) storage, and (3) retrieval.   All three stages are effected  by the amount of sleep you get.

I wonder, have you experienced difficulty in learning or remembering new information lately?  Are you sleep deprived?

I would like to take a moment to remind you that learning and recalling information I a key factor in maintaining and improving your personal responsibilities, relationships, your work position, and your business.

Your solution to getting more sleep requires making a few simple changes.  Keep in mind “simple” actions involves your focus and determination to make a difference.  It requires developing a plan of actions for a minimum of 21 days so that your body and mind will take you seriously.

Are you ready for your plan of action?  Let’s start out with the following steps:

  • Commit to going to sleep at the same time each evening.
  • Turn off your lights and electronics (TV, phone, and computer)
  • Commit to eating a minimum of one healthy meal each day. Studies show that persons who have a healthier eating habits experience healthier sleep patterns.

I challenge you this month to get more sleep and experience an increase in your learning, your memory, and your emotional intelligence with those around you.  Your simple changes will lead to a refreshed, happier, successful you!

For additional information on the benefits of sleep refer to:  Maas, J., & Robbins, R. (2011), Sleep for Success, Israel Deaconess Medical Center 2005, National Sleep Foundation 2011, and Doyle, Terry and Zakrajsek (2013), The New Science of Learning.

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